She’s Given to Circles is an earth poem, a celebration of her abundant love and care, an appreciation of what we take for granted.
She’s Given to Circles – Earth Poem
First, she fed my child a nut, and after that she grew sprouts under her skin, of grain and roses and earthworms. Circling, she blew fire into our stoves, and on hot stones, she fried green apples and sewed up lacerated skins. Mother’s pliés and pirouettes scattered stars into place, she weaved air and light into a feathery cloth and lay it down upon reedy swamps and moonlit highways. On branches too and where the breeze draughts the round room inside arms allongés. Allegretto. And now an Adagio, she's wrestling us down, she's swallowing us into her lap where she can stroke our wiery heads mid-arabesque, one by one. Naptime, she's making us sink, she's slowing us to sleep in the deep of her cot, she's giving us to her circles and lullabies. Along the grooves of her fingerprints, birdsong and light capering and in her dimples, the scores of lento airs. Already, the sky is strumming and the land gliding its bow on our bedding veins. We drip into the clinging ocean, one by one.