Malnutrition in Yemen – Update

malnutrition in Yemen

Malnutrition in Yemen is threatening the lives of millions of war-displaced people. According to Aljazeera, 14 million Yemeni are at risk of starvation, with no end to the crisis in sight. Malnutrition in Yemen – Aljazeera Reports UN Response to Humanitarian Disaster In Yemen The UN has published its review of the 2018 Humanitarian Response…

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Women Yellow Vests – #femmes #giletsjaunes

women yellow vests

In the wake of sometimes violent protests and clashes with police during the yellow vest demonstrations in Paris and beyond, French women have created a separate movement. The women yellow vests or #femmes #giletsjaunes are pursuing the same issues but distancing themselves from the use of violence that has cast shadows over the #giletsjaunes movement.…

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Consensus Politics v Political Squabbles

Unlike their British counterparts, Irish politicians have – by and large – chosen consensus politics to deal with Brexit. As we face into another week of certain turmoil at Westminster, the pro May-deal wing of the Tory party has been urging MPs to put the interests and greater good of the nation before personal ambition.…

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Manufacturing Consent Summary

Manufacturing Consent – The Political Economy of The Mass Media by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky was first published in 1988 and remains one of the most significant books on the collaboration between politics and the media. Although today’s media landscape boasts a whole host of additional platforms, the principles remain the same. This…

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The Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen Worsens

In recent days, Saudi Arabia has been in the headlines because of its government’s suspected killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. This is a welcome development as the spotlight reaches further, highlighting the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Perhaps Kashoggi’s violent death will make Saudi Arabia’s Western allies rethink their support for its brutal role in the…

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Thai Cave Rescue – What About the Child Mortality Stats?

Like millions of others, I was delighted to follow the Thai cave rescue of the boys’ football team and coach. Obviously, people do care, but what about the 21 children who die every minute of every day according to Unicef stats? #ChildrenDeserveBetter. The child mortality stats worldwide are appaling. Appalling Unicef Child Mortality Statistics Unicef’s…

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Life in a Refugee Camp – You have No Idea

Occasionally, we ought to take a few minutes and try to imagine what the plight of refugees is like. It is easy to be anti-immigration if you choose not to empathise. But after all, we are all members of the human race. Take a look at this Aljazeera clip and put yourself in someone else’s…

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Who profits from war?

In the wake of recent ally-airstrikes against Syria and the prospect of a new cold war, we look at the role the arms industries play in a variety of economies across the globe. Everyone knows, war is big business. So, who profits from war? Where are the most successful arms manufacturers based? Whom do they…

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What Is Section 230?

Tech companies are well aware of section 230, after all, it is the one piece of legislation underpinning the entire internet. As Facebook has come under scrutiny for its failure to protect user data, some politicians have been calling for widespread internet regulation. So what is section 230? In essence, it’s a section of US…

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