Nabka Day 2019 / #nabka71

Nabka Day

Today is Nabka day, the 71st anniversary of what the Palestinians call “catastrophe day.” You can see more by checking out Twitter #nabka71

Here’s just a glimpse into the plight of the Palestinian people.

#BDS – Join the Boycott on Nabka Day 2019

The global #BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) has been gathering momentum. More and more people across the world stand in solidarity with the Palestinians, you could be one of them. You can check out the BDS movement website here and register your support.

Palestinian Poetry – Mahmoud Darwish

Here’s a beautiful poem by Mahmoud Darwish:

A State of Siege

A woman asked the cloud: please enfold my loved one
My clothes are soaked with his blood
If you shall not be rain, my love
Be trees
Saturated with fertility, be trees
And if you shall not be trees, my love
Be a stone
Saturated with humidity, be a stone
And if you shall not be a stone, my love
Be a moon
In the loved one’s dream, be a moon
So said a woman to her son
In his funeral
He goes on to add:
During the siege, time becomes a space
That has hardened in its eternity
During the siege, space becomes a time
That is late for its yesterday and tomorrow