Empowerment Poem – Do I Let You Sing My Songs?

Empowerment Poem – Do I Let You Sing My Songs?

Do I Let You Sing My Songs? is an empowerment poem, a reflection on the economic inequalities rampant around the world.

Do I Let You Sing My Songs? – Empowerment Poem

Do I let you build schools and teach my children, seeing as you 
come from money and books, still you don't know me or how I
measure the distance from head to toe or how I skin fruit and
use the peel to make do?

Do I let you pray for me and filter my stream, still you don't know
how to sing my songs, know nothing about my God, can't grasp a
single one of my tales or how to recite each syllable of each line in
every poem I pen or how to make tea?

Do we be the needy you feed and lift you aloft with the gratitude of
the desperate, still you don't know us or how we stand last in line
queuing like our fathers and mothers before us or how we long to
redraw the map on an even table?

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