According to Gardai, the body of a man with no fixed abode was found in the vicinity of St. Audoen’s Park in Dublin’s inner city on 6 November 2018. 

#MyNameis, #RaiseTheRoof #AskWhy

The Night was mild,
- and still you died.
They say you refused
the comfort of a shelter
bed. The air in the park
was crisp, not cut by drunken brawls and the stench of other trash
can bodies. As the night spread across the city, it swept you away,
leaving behind a frozen body without a heart beat. And I wonder
who cut whom loose to make you banish yourself to the park on a
mild autumn night? And what
of those you 've left behind?
Will anybody miss you, now
that you're dead? Once, you
were someone, someone's
son, brother,father, friend.
Until you fell between the
cracks and into the silence
of the mild autumn night.

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